Better for you, your customers
and the environment

Increase energy efficiency

Design an optimal energy supply system that accurately grasps the heat used in manufacturing processes


Reducing CO2 emissions

Heat pump utilization and heat recovery in production processes


Reduce production costs

Lean utility facilities and efficient operations


Total energy management for beverage plants


A lot of energy is consumed in cooling processes associated with carbonated beverage production. In current beverage plants, which employ complicated processes and consume various forms of thermal energy in the production of diversified product lines, we believe there is still room to further reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions in order to contribute to a sustainable society.


As a manufacturer that is also engaged in thermal engineering, Mayekawa, in addition to developing and providing highly efficient equipment, can also fully ascertain the total amount of energy used in the manufacturing process and build optimal energy supply systems for production processes and facilities accordingly. Additionally, during operations, service engineers working around the world conducting maintenance can share facility operational status with clients, ensuring opportunities for further energy savings are never missed.

Saving energy in the carbonated beverage cooling process


Refrigeration system involved in the significant temperature cooling processes that are part of manufacturing carbonated beverages consume a lot of electric power. By employing multistage cooling (cascade cooling) that uses multiple refrigeration stages, Mayekawa can reduce conventional power consumption by 20-30%. Each refrigeration stage operates within an evaporation pressure that matches the required temperature, resulting in high performance. Our total energy management system has been installed in numerous beverage plants around the world.

Realize optimal refrigeration system performance with a thermal stratification tank


We recommend using indirect cooling with glycol for carbonated soft drinks (CSD) production line processes. By utilizing a vertical cylindrical type, thermal stratification glycol buffer tank, load fluctuations in the carbonation process are absorbed. Additionally, the power consumption of the refrigeration system is reduced by shortening low-load operations and constantly operating in a highly efficient manner. As the tank is a vertical cylindrical type, the power needed for the glycol pump is also reduced.

Utilize a high-efficiency chiller to save energy in various cooling processes


Production processes are becoming more complex with the advent of product diversification, which includes items such as hot fill packs, chilled items, and aseptic goods. As such, a large amount of cold energy is required for these varied processes that include dissolution, blending, pasteurization, and bottle molding.


With our highly efficient and easy-to-use chiller designs, cooling system designs based on multiple temperature zones, and extensive engineering know-how, including heat recovery from production processes, Mayekawa is able to pursue energy savings tailored to client demands and line configurations.